Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence"

     When I first started reading "Cumpolsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existance" I was overwhelmed with information, breaking down and understanding what was being said. About two pages in everything started to sink in and make sense. There are a few things Rich meant by "compulsory heterosexuality" it is best summed up by a few passages taken from the text. Such as page 84 fourth paragraph last sentence "that heterosexuality, like motherhood, needs to be recognized and studied as a political institution", meaning that heterosexuality should not be taken as just a natural way of life and should be treated as preference, a preference not everyone makes. It should be treated as a choice just like people choose to make decisions whether it be religion, politics, or anything that affects your way of life. Rich talks about the thesis of the book For her own good: 150 years of the Experts' Advice to Women that women are given advice by male health professionals that is not in the best interest of them instead there to benefit the male dominated society Rich says " None of the "experts" advice has been either particularly scientific or women-oriented; it has reflected male needs, male fantasies about women, and male interest in controlling women-particularly in the realms of sexuality and motherhood- fused with the requirements of industrial capitalism"

      Adrienne Rich also talks about "lesbian existence" meaning that the presence of lesbians in history up until today has always been around. Many people are limited in their thinking and believe that lesbianism has been a somewhat more recent thing but only because people have tried to silence it in many pieces of history. Ignoring it didn't make it go away but instead helped silence women who were seeking a relationship with other women because the ideologies are based on having a relationship with a male and carrying that way of life on.

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